How much do you save every month?
I will enjoy all my salary. Live is short, no point saving.
I will save 10% of my salary every month
I will save 50% of my salary every month
I will save 80% of my salary every month
I don't spend my salary at all, i have passive income.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007


As life closes in on someone who has borrowed far too much money on the strength of far too little income, there are no fire escapes.

--John Kenneth Galbraith

Face this truth: If you let them, lenders are only too willing to advance you more than is good for your family. Mortgage banks and credit-card issuers don't care if your monthly payment makes it impossible for you to sock away money in your 401(k) or fund your kid's 529 plan. You need to set your own rules, including:

No credit-card debt. Period. It's never okay to pay 15% to borrow for consumption.

Borrow only to buy assets that appreciate. A home, yes. Education, sure. A vacation, a fancy dinner or even a 50-inch flat-screen TV? No way.

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