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I will save 80% of my salary every month
I don't spend my salary at all, i have passive income.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007

My Viewer comment

My viewer comment on "Entrepreneur is a lousy employee" Please feel free to give your comment....thanks..

Eliteease said..
Hm,.. speak as an entreprenuer who just started 3 years ago, i think we are not really a lousy employee but we had lousy employers? And usually it caused the initial thought of starting up own company as when you are employed you are at your immediate boss's mercy not even the TOP level, your dreams, vision, even good suggestion might not even pass thru due to "middle level management" or political issue. Hence, if you have dreams to fulfil, work on it, why let others dominate your thinking and ways of doing? Explore your potential while you are young.

August 17, 2007 3:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Well, it might be due to they encounter LOUSY EMPLOYERs who trigger their thoughts of starting their own to fulfil what they believe. Start up your own biz to realise your full potential, why let your dreams fade away because of "middle management's short-sightedness / over protective their position or power struggle etc.. political issues?

August 17, 2007 3:09 PM


As life closes in on someone who has borrowed far too much money on the strength of far too little income, there are no fire escapes.

--John Kenneth Galbraith

Face this truth: If you let them, lenders are only too willing to advance you more than is good for your family. Mortgage banks and credit-card issuers don't care if your monthly payment makes it impossible for you to sock away money in your 401(k) or fund your kid's 529 plan. You need to set your own rules, including:

No credit-card debt. Period. It's never okay to pay 15% to borrow for consumption.

Borrow only to buy assets that appreciate. A home, yes. Education, sure. A vacation, a fancy dinner or even a 50-inch flat-screen TV? No way.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Entrepreneur is a lousy employee

Entrepreneur is a lousy employee. No need to honey-coat this one. People who start their own businesses tend to have been sack or resign more than one job. I'm not saying you were lazy or laid off for lack of work or moved from one job to a better-salary one. You were asked to leave, or you quit before they could terminate you. Think of it as the marketplace telling you that the only person who can effectively motivate and manage you is yourself.

Entrepreneur couldn't work for someone else, I don't mean that in a negative way. I have a friend who is now a Millionaire have the same experience mention above. When he was 18 he work as an assistant Photographer with a salary of $300 only. All the other Photographer is earning double or triple salary from him. He end up learning nothing just like cleaning up the studio every morning, used as delivery boy by sending film and photo using his personal motorbike(no bike allowance given) . He was sack due to asking for higher pay after the second month.

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