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I will enjoy all my salary. Live is short, no point saving.
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I will save 80% of my salary every month
I don't spend my salary at all, i have passive income.
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Be positive, Don't complains

THE PERSON WHO COMPLAINS THAT HE OR SHE NEVER HAD A CHANCE PROBABLY HASN’T THE COURAGE TO TAKE A CHANCE. Thomas Edison once observed that the reason most folks don’t recognize opportunity when it comes along is that it is often dressed in coveralls and look like work. Often opportunity involves a great deal of work and a willingness to take a chance on something, the outcome of which may be uncertain. Eventually you reach a point when you must either accept an opportunity with all of its unknowns or else turn your back on it. No one can tell you when you have reached that point; you alone know when it’s time to make your move, to have the courage to take a chance.
by:Dennis Ng

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